Melanie Oelschlegel hat uns Auszüge aus den mails geschickt, die sie nach dem Seebeben erhalten hat:

... Hier nun die versprochenen Briefe von Janwardi Purba aus Medan.

Am 28.12.2004 schrieb er zu ersten Mal nach dem Seebeben. Wir waren sehr erleichtert, Nachricht von ihm zu bekommen.

Dear Melanie und Christian,

thank you very much for your email but we are ok all here,the earthquake was happened in Aceh the province who lies on top of sumatera island it is 2 hours from our village

and the earthquake made 5000 people dead and i,m so pity so they need our help that is your prayer i almost pray for the all the times so they would be patient to facing this shaking god bles them

on morning dec 26,we felt the shaking but not very long time about 8 minutes and all the youth was from germany are ok thank god

how about you are ok?

hope you are well and got many presents

God Bless Us


Am 31.12. schrieb er :

Dear Christian und Melanie,

wie geht es Ihnen,

Thank you very much for your kindness wanted worry us but we are ok here hope you so even your Family and do not forget to say my hello to them i will be so glad for it at once my Merry Christmas ad Happy New Year

Indeed,in Tv the effects of earthquake are very painful sometimes the tears fall with unconcious so lets pray for them in order they gave power by God to patient God Bless Them

anyway,today is the last year 2004 hope you will enjoy your time today and i sure you are ready to facing and wish you will have a better year than this year

Many greetings to you,your Family and paulus gemeinde and tonight we willl go to church as i ever wrote to you,Tomorrow will sms all of friends in Hagen

Happy New Year, so miss you all


Außerdem bekamen wir eine Mail von Paul Munthe, der Pastor ist und für die Jugendbegegnung im Sommer zuständig war. Er schrieb am 29.12.:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Almost at the end of this year, we are shocked by what was happening in Indonesia on Sunday morning when people are going to the church. The earth quake followed by the tsunami is a horrible thing in our place. Many people died and people lost their home and family. We are crying for help.

For us in Pematangsiantar, we could feel that the earth shook. I myself also felt that something happened. But because nothing was damage in Pematangsiantar and I went to serve in one church out of the city so I did not hear about that terrible thing.

At night when I came back from church I listened to the radio and then watched the TV, I got information about the disaster. I thank God that He still gives time to me to serve Him. He allows me to live.
Thank you that you concern to our situation. Please keep praying so the Lord will comfort us and help us to survive.